v0.7 scrollbar within child window

Started by starkhorn, 26 April 2016, 05:46:59


I'm having trouble getting a scrollbar to appear when adding it to a child window container.
In drawStartTurnSummarySubMenu, I create the child window with the setupChildWindow method.
I then try to add a scrollbar to the child window using setupScrollBarHorz and passing the child window as a container.
I can see that the number of widgets in the child window increases when I add the scrollbar but it never appears. (Note I put autohide to false).
However if I change the line in setupScrollBarHorz

Code (cpp) Select

container->add(scrollbar, scrollBarName);

To the below, the scollbar appears.
Code (cpp) Select

//gui.add(scrollbar, scrollBarName);

However if I move the childwindow the position of the scrollbar doesn't move. Basically I want the scrollbar to control widgets inside a panel which inside a child window. Here are the methods in question.

Code (cpp) Select

void Test::drawStartTurnSummarySubMenu()
sf::Vector2i pos(gameWindow.getSize().x * 0.1, gameWindow.getSize().y * 0);
sf::Vector2i size((gameWindow.getSize().x - (gameWindow.getSize().x * 0.25)), gameWindow.getSize().y * 0.750);

setupChildWindow(pos, size, "Start Turn Summary", sf::Color::Red, "startTurn");
tgui::Container::Ptr container = gui.get<tgui::Container>("startTurn");

pos = sf::Vector2i(0, 0);
void (Test::*ptrToMember)(const tgui::Callback&) = NULL; // creating function ptr
ptrToMember = &Test::scrollBarHorzSignalFunction; // assigning function ptr to appropraite function

setupScrollBarHorz("regionPanelScrollHorz", ptrToMember, container);

//clear game window


void Test::setupChildWindow(sf::Vector2i pos, sf::Vector2i size, string title_text, sf::Color titleText_Color, string passed_childName)
if (gui.get(passed_childName) == NULL)
tgui::ChildWindow::Ptr childWin = theme->load("ChildWindow");
childWin->setPosition(pos.x, pos.y);
childWin->setSize(size.x, size.y);
gui.add(childWin, passed_childName);

bool Test::setupScrollBarHorz(string scrollBarName, void (Test::*ptrToMember)(const tgui::Callback&),tgui::Container::Ptr container)
if ((container != NULL && container->get(scrollBarName) == NULL) || (container == NULL && gui.get(scrollBarName) == NULL))
tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar = theme->load("Scrollbar");
scrollbar->setPosition(container->getPosition() + sf::Vector2f(container->getSize().x, 0));
scrollbar->setSize(20, container->getSize().y);
scrollbar->connectEx("ValueChanged", ptrToMember, this);
container->add(scrollbar, scrollBarName);
//gui.add(scrollbar, scrollBarName);
return true;
return false;

void Test::scrollBarHorzSignalFunction(const tgui::Callback& callback)
int scrollbarMove = callback.value;


If you add the scrollbar to the container with container->add then its position is relative to the container, so "scrollbar->setPosition(container->getPosition() + sf::Vector2f(container->getSize().x, 0));" should be "scrollbar->setPosition(sf::Vector2f(container->getSize().x - scrollbar->getSize().x, 0));" to avoid it from being outside the visible part of the container.
