TreeView Widget

Started by necromant, 15 January 2018, 13:19:39


Hi,@texus. First of all , thank you for such nice Gui library , which is native to SFML.
Topic Theme is TreeView.I haven't found treeView , in class list , but it it really needed feature.
What is your plans and opinion?
Best regards,Alexander Raag


A TreeView widget would be nice to have but it is a lot of work and I don't have the time to implement it. So it probably won't be implemented anywhere soon unless you would implement it yourself.


I see you. What do you think? I will implements by myself, basing on TguinWidgets and will make pull
request on github?


If you create the widget and send a pull request through github then I would gladly accept it.
It probably won't be very easy to write though, how to create a custom widget it also not documented so you will have to look at code from existing widgets. The ListBox class might be a good starting point to look at. Feel free to ask questions if parts of the code are unclear.
It would be best to use TGUI 0.8-dev to write the widget.


Ok, i have started to write it, because i use tgui in my editor :D :D


@texus,what is best way to communicate to you?

  • TreeView will be base on tgui::Widget
  • TreeView will be base on ListBox,but doenst be child of it
  • TreeView will have own Render & will be add to default theme
  • Will be added Tests and examples like other widgets
  • - repo,before making fork && pull request
Best regards,Alexander Raag @Enziferum


You can communicate either through the forum, through email or via Gitter (either at or in private chat). Skype is also possible (username texusius, but possible can't be found in search).