[Tool] TGUI Theme Preprocessor and Spritesheet Generator

Started by rubenwardy, 10 May 2020, 19:55:23


This tool supports building GUI sprite sheets from individual source images, and contains syntactic sugar to make 9-slices easier

Required images are defined using the following syntax:

Texture = ${imagename};
// Define a 9-slice just by a margin from the edge of the image
TextureHover = ${imagename:7};

The image by that name will be found and added to the sprite sheet. The same image can be referenced multiple times and only appear once. The output of the tool will look like this:

Texture = "themename.png" Part(2, 2, 21, 60);
// Define a 9-slice just by a margin from the edge of the image
TextureHover = "themename.png" Part(2, 2, 21, 60) Middle(7, 7, 7, 46);

Full specification

  • Texture = ${name}; will find the texture called name.png and then add it to the sprite sheet.
  • Texture = ${name:10}; will create a 9-slice with an inner padding of 10.
  • Texture = ${panel:10o+10}; will create a 9-slice with an inner padding of 10, but offset by 10 from the top (see the main body of the child window in the second screenshot).
  • Texture = ${titlebar:10o-10}; will create a 9-slice with an inner padding of 10, but offset by 10 from the bottom (see the main title of the child window in the second screenshot).
  • It allows you to import other theme files using #include "aaa.style".

License: Zlib
Source code: https://gitlab.com/rubenwardy/tgui-theme-builder/


Use in Continuous Integration

This code will download this tools source code, and build a given theme's source code

git clone https://gitlab.com/rubenwardy/tgui-theme-builder
tgui-theme-builder/build_archive.sh nanogui.style
mv build/theme.zip theme.zip

Here's an example .gitlab-ci.yml:

image: python:3.7

  - apt-get update
  - apt-get install zip

  stage: build
    - git clone https://gitlab.com/rubenwardy/tgui-theme-builder
    - tgui-theme-builder/build_archive.sh nanogui.style
    - mv build/theme.zip theme.zip
    - theme.zip
    - master

Use in CMake

file(GLOB GUISources ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/gui/source/*)
add_custom_target(prebuild ALL
COMMAND utils/prebuild.sh
BYPRODUCTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/gui/rvwp.style ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/gui/rvwp.png)

where `prebuild.sh` may be something similar to:


set -e

python3 -mvenv /tmp/rvwpenv
source /tmp/rvwpenv/bin/activate
pip install PyTexturePacker


pushd assets/gui/source
python $pack rvwp.style
mv build/*.{png,style} ..
rm -r build