scrollbar tutorials?

Started by wmbuRn, 15 July 2013, 03:46:29


Maybe i am becoming pain in the *** ? :) But there are no tutorials online that shows usage of scrollbar. Even code included in 0.6-dev [example "FulExample"] only displays scrollbar. Which i can do :). But lets say i want to display 10 pictures in a column. they are 80x80, so only about 4 or 5 fit on resolution 800x600. iI want to use scrollbar to scroll down to see other pictures. How to do that? Simple code :). Also after all these questions i asked, i will make tutorial code and if texus allow will be displayed on site or shipped with "examples" dir. So new users will have more tutorials nad wont ask questions like me :)

Thanks in advance


I agree that if someone doesn't have experience with scrollbar, they are a bit hard to understand at first. I think some example code would be good and should be written.


If you want to write a tutorial, be my guest.
It takes too much time to do everything myself.

Here is the example code:
Code (cpp) Select
#include <TGUI/TGUI.hpp>

void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
    tgui::Container* gui = callback.widget->getParent();

    // Reposition the pictures
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        tgui::Picture::Ptr pic = gui->get(tgui::to_string(i));
        pic->setPosition(0, (i - callback.value) * 150);

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "TGUI window");
    tgui::Gui gui(window);

    // Create 10 images displayed below each other
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        tgui::Picture::Ptr pic(gui, tgui::to_string(i));
        pic->load("image" + tgui::to_string(i) + ".png");
        pic->setSize(200, 150);
        pic->setPosition(0, i * 150);

    // Create the scrollbar
    tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");
    scrollbar->setLowValue(4); // 4 images fit inside the window
    scrollbar->setMaximum(10); // 10 images in total
    scrollbar->setSize(20, 600);
    scrollbar->setPosition(200, 0);
    scrollbar->bindCallbackEx(scrollbarValueChanged, tgui::Scrollbar::ValueChanged);

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)



If you want smooth scrolling however, instead of seeing the images jump, then you have to make a few changes to that code.
- LowValue should become 600 (instead of 4), because you are now counting the pixels instead of the images.
- Maximum should become 1500 (instead of 10), because that is the amount of pixels that all images take together in this example.
- The pictures should be set to an y value of "i * 150 - callback.value", instead of "(i - callback.value) * 150".

If you have space inbetween the images or images from other sizes then these values will obviously change. Just keep in mind that LowValue are the visible pixels and Maximum the total number of pixels that you will be able to see.

Although this will look a lot better, there is a limitation in tgui. Because the arrows of the scrollbar always change the value by 1, they will only move the images one pixel and are thus useless.

And I just noticed a bug that when scrolling the mouse wheel on top of the scrollbar, no callback is being send. I'll fix that later today.


Thank you. Will writte tutorials after i learn tgui. Which will be a week. To master it will take some time. I will writte tutorial you just review the code and if its professional level post it or do whatet you feel like :)

Thank you for your answer :)


Managed to add scrollbar in screen with pictures. Managed to add space between pictures. But i cant add labels [ if i add labels pictures uses label->setPosition, and they change their position.] Cant add Buttons, checkboxes, editBoxes.. I cant add anything other than pictures.Please  point me to direction what to read to have container that holds everything. :)

why scrollbar?
- Lets say i need to display 40 "users", so every user have 4 editboxes, 12 checkboxes, and 1 picture. If 4 "users" can be displayed on screen, means i will need 10 screens. Lets say i need 10 groups (400 "users" in total). Thats abaout 100 screens. Which can be solved with scrollbar easily. That would be 10 screen, 40 "users" per screen. Without scrollbar i will need 28.900 lines of code to do what i planned. So please point me somewhere, 28k lines is something i can do in 2 days, but i am looking for better solution  :)

here is the pic that will explain better:

About Project:
Small project for my friend. He has dancing group [ one of best Europe] and he needs a simple program so he can writte down names and info about his crew members.And how much Training each of his member went to. I know i could do that in Excel in 15 mins but that wont help me to learn tGui and SFML. I will sell this program for money that doesnt exist in my country since 1999. :) Worth of that money in 1999 was about 0.01$ [yup that much] now is just 0$ becouse the money is worthless for the past 14 years :) Program will be able to save info into file, [.txt.] in the beggining until my C/SQL developer gets back from vacation. :)

with respect


Just create the picture, buttons, etc. widgets and place them like they should be when the scrollbar is at the top.

In my example code above you should then change the scrollbarValueChanged function to this:
Code (cpp) Select
void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
    tgui::Container* gui = callback.widget->getParent();

    // Reposition the object
    std::vector<tgui::Widget::Ptr> widgets = gui->getWidgets();
    std::vector<sf::String> widgetNames = gui->getWidgetNames();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
        // Don't move the scrollbar
        if (widgetNames[i] != "Scrollbar")
            widgets[i]->setPosition(0, i * 150.0f - callback.value);

That will move any object except for the scrollbar.

If there are other widgets that don't need to move then you will need a slightly different approach. You should place all widgets that have to move in a Panel and then just move all widgets of the panel (instead of all widgets of the whole gui).

PS: You should have better made another post instead of editing the previous one. I got no notification about it nor does the forum marks the topic as unread. You're lucky that I noticed your new question.


All widgets needs to move when scrollbar value changes. So i dont need diferent approach :) will test your code, and hopefully i will make to work what i planned :) . Thank you again. :)

Ok i make it

#include <TGUI/TGUI.hpp>

void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
    tgui::Container* gui = callback.widget->getParent();

    // Reposition the object
    std::vector<tgui::Widget::Ptr> widgets = gui->getWidgets();
    std::vector<sf::String> widgetNames = gui->getWidgetNames();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
        // Don't move the scrollbar
        if (widgetNames[i] != "Scrollbar")
            widgets[i]->setPosition(0, i * 110.0f - callback.value);

void Group1( tgui::Gui& gui )
    tgui::Panel::Ptr Group1(gui, "Group1");
    Group1->setSize(800, 4500);
// Create 40 images displayed below each other
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 40; ++i)
        tgui::Picture::Ptr pic(*Group1, tgui::to_string(i));
        pic->load("Data/Ucenik" + tgui::to_string(i) + ".png");
        pic->setSize(80, 80);
        pic->setPosition(20, i * 110);

        tgui::Button::Ptr button(*Group1);
        button->setSize(80, 40);
        button->setPosition(150, 110);

        tgui::Button::Ptr button2(*Group1);
        button2->setSize(80, 40);
        button2->setPosition(300, 220);


int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "TGUI window");
    tgui::Gui gui(window);

    // Create the scrollbar
    tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");
    scrollbar->setLowValue(600); // 4 images fit inside the window
    scrollbar->setMaximum(4500); // 10 images in total
    scrollbar->setSize(15, 600);
    scrollbar->setPosition(785, 0);
    scrollbar->bindCallbackEx(scrollbarValueChanged, tgui::Scrollbar::ValueChanged);

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)



but here is the catch >  Group1->setSize(800, 4500);  [y is 4500 so it will display all 40 pictures]. I want that size to be >  Group1->setSize(800, 530); [ y = 530] so i have 800x70 pixels free to make buttons that wont move. But when i use code >  Group1->setSize(800, 530); only 4 pictures are shown and i scrolldown to emepty whitte screen. :) How to make scrollable area to be (800x530) and to have 800x70 free pixels for other buttons. :)


Your scrolling the whole gui, including the panel. You can easily see this when you give the panel a background color. You should only be scrolling the contents of the panel.
Code (cpp) Select
void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
    tgui::Panel::Ptr panel = callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1");

    // Reposition the object
    std::vector<tgui::Widget::Ptr> widgets = panel->getWidgets();
    std::vector<sf::String> widgetNames = panel->getWidgetNames();

Also if you don't want the buttons to move then you should just add them to the gui (pass 'gui' as parameter instead of '*Group1' when creating them).


Yes, when i switch tgui::Button::Ptr button(*Group1); into >> tgui::Button::Ptr button(gui); they dont scroll, they stick on given position. Which is great. But using your code [with buttons being (*Group1) cause all the widgets to change positions to X:0 , Y:0 and buttons come to the last place [after pictures] with same X:0 and Y:0 coordinates.

edit: I solved position changing, but buttons come to the last place. So i believe if i have more widgets they will all move after pictures. So only thing that changes position is this line :

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
        // Don't move the scrollbar
        if (widgetNames[i] != "Scrollbar")
            widgets[i]->setPosition(20, i * 110.0f - callback.value);

Also when program is loaded pictures are displayed as they should [including the button location] but when i scroll down after first picture and scroll back my 1st picture have X:20 and Y:0 position, and not as they had when the program loaded. They had [X:20, Y:110]


You should just fix your setPosition formula. You set all widgets to x=20, so obviously the buttons will change their original position.

The trick is to keep all objects on their starting position minus the scrollbar value.

For this you will also need the old scrollbar value, so you'll have to store that.
In the example code, you could make a global variable scrollbarValue (int) and set its value to 0.
Then at the end of your scrollbarValueChanged function, you set it to "callback.value".

The setPosition line would then have to become:
Code (cpp) Select
widgets[i]->move(0, scrollbarValue - callback.value);

That should solve all problems.

Also, the scrollbar isn't part of the panel I guess, so you no longer have to check the widget name against "Scrollbar" as that will never match.


#include <TGUI/TGUI.hpp>

int scrollbarValue = 0;

void Group1( tgui::Gui& gui )
    tgui::Panel::Ptr Group1(gui, "Group1");
    Group1->setSize(800, 530);
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 40; ++i)
        tgui::Picture::Ptr pic(*Group1, tgui::to_string(i));
        pic->load("Data/Ucenik" + tgui::to_string(i) + ".png");
        pic->setSize(80, 80);
        pic->setPosition(20, i * 110.0f);
        tgui::Button::Ptr button(*Group1);
        button->setSize(80, 40);
        button->setPosition(150, 110);

        tgui::Button::Ptr button2(*Group1);
        button2->setSize(80, 40);
        button2->setPosition(300, 220);

void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
tgui::Panel::Ptr panel = callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1");

    // Reposition the object
    std::vector<tgui::Widget::Ptr> widgets = panel->getWidgets();
    std::vector<sf::String> widgetNames = panel->getWidgetNames();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
            widgets[i]->move(0, scrollbarValue - callback.value);

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "TGUI window");
    tgui::Gui gui(window);

    // Create the scrollbar
    tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");
    scrollbar->setLowValue(600); // 4 images fit inside the window
    scrollbar->setMaximum(4500); // 10 images in total
    scrollbar->setSize(15, 530);
    scrollbar->setPosition(785, 0);
    scrollbar->bindCallbackEx(scrollbarValueChanged, tgui::Scrollbar::ValueChanged);

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)



I declared global variable even with variable.cpp and variable.h [ extern int scrollbarValue ] but things get worse than they were :)


You missed something in my previous message.
QuoteThen at the end of your scrollbarValueChanged function, you set it to "callback.value".

Adding "scrollbarValue = callback.value;" at the end of scrollbarValueChanged makes it work.


yup it makes it to work. Thank you very much :) i owe you a beer :)


Too bad that I don't drink beer :)


More beer for me :)


tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1);

Doesnt work, when i change values of scrollbar [with mouse or mouse scroll] program crashes with

/usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

So i will figure it out.


tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");

works flawlesly, except i see scrollbar in panel where i dont need scrollbar :)


for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 40; ++i)
        tgui::EditBox::Ptr Name(*Group1, tgui::to_string(i));
        Name->setSize(120, 15);
        Name->setPosition(20, (i * 110) - 40);

Need to figure out how to access each editBoxes to read it values, and to modify them. Will learn it eventualy. Never used "to_string(i)" before, nor "c_str" since i never needed them. :)


tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1);

Doesnt work, when i change values of scrollbar [with mouse or mouse scroll] program crashes with
/usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
You are doing something with a null pointer. At first I was a bit surprised because I though this crash came from inside tgui, but I think the problem lies in your scrollbarValueChanged function.
Do you have code like "gui->get("Scrollbar")" there or something like that?

Because what I notice is that when you pass 'gui' to it you also give the widget a name, but when you pass '*Group1' to it you don't give it a name.
So if it is the problem that I suspect than you just need "tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1, "Scrollbar");".

Although I don't see why the scrollbar should be inside the panel instead of just in the gui.

Quoteexcept i see scrollbar in panel where i dont need scrollbar
What exactly do you mean with this?

QuoteNeed to figure out how to access each editBoxes to read it values, and to modify them.
You can get them back later with the get function on your Group1.

But make sure all widgets have unique names.
If you are still creating the pictures as before then you are going to get name conflicts.
You are calling your pictures "1", "2", "3", "4", ...
But you are also calling your edit boxes "1", "2", "3", "4", ...

So maybe you should write
Code (cpp) Select
tgui::EditBox::Ptr Name(*Group1, "EditBox" + tgui::to_string(i));
Like this, your edit boxes will be named "EditBox1", "EditBox2", "EditBox3", ...
And you can get them from Group1 later with this name.

If you would have two widgets with the same name then getting them from Group1 will only give you the first occurence (first added widget with that name), and it will be impossible to access the other widget.


Currently i have 3 panels. mainScreen, loginScreen, and Group1. With "tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");" i see scrollbar in Group1, loginScreen and mainScreen and i dont need scrollbar on panels loginScreen and mainScreen. Will try autohide(). On each panel will access to scrollbar and will set value greater than max Value and hopefully scrolbar will be hidden on those 2 panels. A good chance to learn something new. :)

QuoteDo you have code like "gui->get("Scrollbar")" there or something like that?

No, i am still using your scrollbarValueChanged function. Need to change code inside it. I have some widgets i want to move and some i dont want to move. I know how to set some widgets to move and some not to move. So i will fix widgets, except for scrollbar.

Quotetgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1, "Scrollbar");

Causes the crash with same code i posted before, and i have:

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
            if (widgetNames[i] != "Scrollbar")
            widgets[i]->move(0, scrollbarValue - callback.value);

Inside scrollbarValueChanged() . Thats what confuzed me. Everything from Group1 works except for scrollbar. i will work on it :)

"tgui::EditBox::Ptr Name(*Group1, "EditBox" + tgui::to_string(i));" works, i can access to what is written in EditBox. Since i can access to whats is written inside EditBox i can store that information into .txt file, sql databases or object files. Also i can copy what is written inside one Group into another Group. 
I added 4th panel. Scrollbar is not working there. It is visible but it wont scroll widgets. so i def. need to set  "tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1);"
, "tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group2);" In different panels.


I see two solutions for the scrollbar.
- You have the scrollbar directly in the gui. When loginScreen or mainScreen is visible, you call scrollbar->hide() and when Group1 becomes visible again you call scrollbar->show().
- You make a different scrollbar inside every groups that need it. This will allow every scrollbar to have its own callback function and to do different things in every group.

The reason why your Group2 doesn't react on the scrollbar, is that you access Group1 in scrollbarValueChanged.
If you could find a way to access the current group, e.g. holding some string that contains either "Group1" or  "Group2" and then use the string like this:
tgui::Panel::Ptr panel = callback.widget->getParent()->get(theString);
Then you can keep the scrollbar in your gui and it will be able to scroll the widgets in whatever group you want by just adjusting the string.


Quote- You make a different scrollbar inside every groups that need it. This will allow every scrollbar to have its own callback function and to do different things in every group.

Thats what i was thinking, except

tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1, "Scrollbar");
    scrollbar->setSize(15, 530);
    scrollbar->setPosition(785, 0);
    scrollbar->bindCallbackEx(scrollbarValueChanged, tgui::Scrollbar::ValueChanged);

Crashes the program with:

/usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

I am using your function for scrollbarValueChanged:

void scrollbarValueChanged(const tgui::Callback& callback)
tgui::Panel::Ptr Group1 = callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1");

    // Reposition the object
    std::vector<tgui::Widget::Ptr> widgets = Group1->getWidgets();
    std::vector<sf::String> widgetNames = Group1->getWidgetNames();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); ++i)
            if (widgetNames[i] != "Scrollbar")  // even if i change this same thing happend.
            widgets[i]->move(0, scrollbarValue - callback.value);

    scrollbarValue = callback.value;


Right before this line
tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(*Group1, "Scrollbar");
std::cout << Group1.get() << std::endl;

On top of your scrollbarValueChanged function add
std::cout << callback.widget << std::endl;
std::cout << callback.widget->getParent() << std::endl;
std::cout << callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1") << std::endl;

And perhaps add this inside the for loop in scrollbarValueChanged
std::cout << widgets[i].get() << std::endl;

Is any of the things that get printed a null pointer?
The error means that you are calling a function on some null pointer, so somewhere, something isn't initialized properly.


std::cout << callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1") << std::endl;

Is not working, i get this error >> error: no match for 'operator<<' in 'std::cout << tgui::Container::get(const sf::String&) const((* & sf::String(((const char*)"Group1"), (*(const std::locale*)(& std::locale())))))'

So i removed that line. I used these lines:

std::cout << "callback.widget: " << callback.widget << std::endl; // at the beggining of     

std::cout << "callback.widget->getParent() : " << callback.widget->getParent() << std::endl;
std::cout << "widgets[i].get(): " << widgets[i].get() << std::endl; // this one is inside
                                                                                                           // for loop  scrollbarValueChanged

std::cout << "Group1.get(): " << Group1.get() << std::endl;    // before Scrollbar

Here is the output:

Group1.get(): 0x9858978
callback.widget: 0x985a990
callback.widget->getParent() : 0x9858a40
Swing Studio 0: /usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)


The line should be
std::cout << callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1").get() << std::endl;
(which prints the real internal pointer instead of my smart pointer class)

Wait, you made the scrollbar part of Group1 right?
That line assumes that scrollbar is part of the gui. It first asks for the parent (which is supposed to be gui) and then search for the panel called "Group1". But your scrollbar is part of Group1, so when accessing the parent, you already find Group1 and you thus no longer have to search for it.

So change
tgui::Panel::Ptr Group1 = callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1");
tgui::Panel* Group1 = callback.widget->getParent();

As you can see sometimes have to use a normal pointer (*) and sometimes my smart pointer (::Ptr).
This is still a bit of a problem in tgui, but I'll look into this so that in the future everything should work with these smart pointers.


I tried both, scrollbar being (gui, "Scrollbar) and being (*Group1, "Scrollbar).

With being

tgui::Scrollbar::Ptr scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar");

I have plenty of output from

std::cout << "widgets[i].get(): " << widgets[i].get() << std::endl;

Thats becouse Scrollbar is working as it should.

with scrollbar being (*Group1, "Scrollbar")

Group1.get(): 0xa152a30
callback.widget: 0xa4ae058
callback.widget->getParent(): 0xa152af8
Swing Studio 0: /usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

After adding your code, and scrollbar(*Group1, "Scrollbar")

std::cout << callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1").get() << std::endl;

I have this output:

Group1.get(): 0x93e9b18
callback.widget: 0x9745140
callback.widget->getParent(): 0x93e9be0
getParent()->get(group1): 0
Swing Studio 0: /usr/local/include/TGUI/SharedWidgetPtr.hpp:271: T* tgui::SharedWidgetPtr<T>::operator->() const [with T = tgui::Panel]: Assertion `m_WidgetPtr != __null' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

After adding your code, and scrollbar(gui, "Scrollbar")

std::cout << callback.widget->getParent()->get("Group1").get() << std::endl;

I have this output:

callback.widget: 0xa4d3010
callback.widget->getParent(): 0xbf94ed34
getParent()->get(group1): 0xa1779e8
widgets[i].get(): 0xa178cb0
widgets[i].get(): 0xa178f58
widgets[i].get(): 0xa171dd0
widgets[i].get(): 0xa172860
widgets[i].get(): 0xa1733e8
widgets[i].get(): 0xa173ec0
  // and more widgets[i] output here


tgui::Panel* Group1 = callback.widget->getParent();

i get this error:

error: invalid conversion from 'tgui::Container*' to 'tgui::Panel*' [-fpermissive]

Do you want me to upload entire project? After its done it will be opensource anyway :) [except encryption will be removed] :)


Then just use Container* instead of Panel*. Right now I'm just writing example code, not necessary something that can be compiled.


Container* works as it should. Thank you.

Scrollbar is part of (*Group1). Off to make more Groups and to continue working on this app :)

Added another group, another Scrollbar another scrollbarValueChangedGroup2, bindEx the new scrollbar and it is working. So thank you very much :)