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Messages - mihaiflorea

I have a class that contains all widgets i need in a window, saved in a gui pointer.
Gui pointer is gonna be drawn in a window later.
This is the method which uploads my widgets from file :
void upload_window()



This is the complete code that takes text from editboxes:
int colect_data()
if (data)
delete data;

data=new AnulareRezervare;

tgui::EditBox::Ptr  nume= gui->get("numeDeAnulat"),
prenume= gui->get("prenumeDeAnulat"),
cnp= gui->get("cnpDeAnulat");

std::string xnume= nume->getText(),
xprenume= prenume->getText(),
xcnp= cnp->getText();

data->nume= strdup(xnume.c_str());
data->prenume= strdup(xprenume.c_str());
data->cnp= strdup(xcnp.c_str());

return success;

I verified entire code  and it seems to be fine, but when i enter a text in any editbox from my window, i get only the text i set with setText() or in the form config. I tried with a textbox, but the same thing i get, in this window, all of my widgets are not working correctly.

Hello! I have a problem with an Editbox whitch does not return anything but  text i set with edit_box->setText("hello");. I created the widget from form. The strange thing is i have many widgets of this type whitch are working, but this is driving me crazy. I have the same code, the same structure for all.  Is there a general problem like this with those editboxes?

This is how i get the text from editbox.

tgui::EditBox::Ptr           nume= gui->get("numeDeAnulat"),
prenume= gui->get("prenumeDeAnulat"),
cnp= gui->get("cnpDeAnulat");

std::string xnume= nume->getText().toAnsiString(),
xprenume= prenume->getText().toAnsiString(),
xcnp= cnp->getText().toAnsiString();