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Messages - roHn

Actually, you are right!

I created smaller buttons inside GUI-builder and it looked smooth in my window. When I created larger buttons, I started to see the non-smooth texture again.
So, yes, GUI-Builder is nothing different than creating the buttons manually in terms of texture smoothness.

As a reference, the buttons size used in the screenshots I attached were 256x64 on a window 800x600
Hi texus, thanks for your reply!
Adding smooth after texture in theme file did solve my issue.

One thing I noticed is that when I am creating these buttons manually, for example:


auto cmdBtn1 = tgui::Button::create("Button1");
cmdBtn1->setPosition({ "(&.width - width) / 2", 100});
cmdBtn1->connect("pressed", [this] () -> void {
cmdBtn1->setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
_gui.add(cmdBtn1, "cmdButton1");

It doesn't have smooth texture(i.e. I have to manually edit theme files).

When I use the GUI-Builder and use the form.txt file to load widgets (i.e. _gui.loadWidgetsFromFile("..."); ) all textures are smooth.

Thanks again!
Help requests / Antialiasing problem with buttons
10 October 2019, 16:36:35
Hello, I have an issue where my buttons look ugly and not smooth. I am using SFML RenderWindow with antialiasing level set to 8. Do I have to configure anything else to have smooth buttons?
I have circle shapes in my window and they are perfectly smooth.

Here are the screenshots where I used themes included within TGUI folder (BabyBlue.txt and Black.txt) :