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Messages - Kryeger

Just tried with another theme, it makes no difference. I'll try downgrading and post results. Thanks for the assistance!
I'm sorry, the example will compile and it will run but it will crash as soon as it reaches the theme->load("selector").

I tried using an absolute path (saw the tip in another post) and it still crashes at the same point. At this moment I dropped my project and I'm using the fullExample.cpp provided in examples to try and isolate the problem. In the same folder there is the black.txt and the RedBackround.png. I'm pointing towards them using "../Black.txt" and "../RedBackground.jpg". The bg is found for sure. The whole example has a big try block around it and it still doesn't print anything.

I am using GCC 6.3.0 and I used the precomiled versions of both SFML and TGUI.

TGUI came from "TGUI-0.7.7-mingw-6.1.0-32bit-for-SFML-2.4.2"
SFML came from "SFML-2.4.2-windows-gcc-6.1.0-mingw-32-bit"

TGUI runs fine if I do anything else, but it seems to crash at this specific call.

I've been trying for the last 2 days to make TGUI work, but It seems to crash whenever I try to create() a widget using a theme "selector".

This doesn't crash, and it throws no exception. I checked that the file exists and is accesible.
tgui::Theme::Ptr theme = tgui::Theme::create("../Black.txt");

This however crashes, but throws no exception at all.
tgui::MenuBar::Ptr menu = theme->load("MenuBar");

Even the FullExample.cpp won't compile.

Is there something I'm missing?