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Messages - Drifty Pine

My preferred way for dealing with this kind of thing is to do something like this in the code:
change: #ifdef TGUI_HAS_BACKEND_SFML
to: #if defined(TGUI_HAS_BACKEND_SFML) || defined(DOXYGEN)

This works because Doxygen automatically defines the macro DOXYGEN when it processes the files, just make sure you do not define the DOXYGEN macro anywhere in your code of course  :)

If you want both the #ifdef and an associated #else to be processed, you should also change any bare #else directives to be explicit #if's
so change:


#if defined(SOMETHING) || defined(DOXYGEN)

#if !defined(SOMETHING) || defined(DOXYGEN)

Two other ideas for dealing with this kind of thing in Doxygen is by editting the Doxyfile:
  - This will define these both only for Doxygen, so you can leave your compile settings as they are.
  - However, this method won't include the code within both an #ifdef and any associated bare #else, so you would have change any of such #else to explicit #ifdef or #if defined(...).

  - This will disable all preprocessing, so you would get things within #ifdef and bare #else, but it might not be ideal because no preprocessing would be done at all.

Hi Bruno,
Just a small heads-up: I noticed that some classes (for example, Gui and Canvas) seem to be missing the Doxygen generated docs that you show on the website for version 0.9.
I think this has to do with classes that are within #ifdef's you added when dealing with the SDL port.

Hello Bruno!

I downloaded your code for the first time a few days ago to check it out. Very nice!
It was a snap to compile it using gcc 9.3 on MSYS running on Windows 10.
Also, from what I've seen so far, the code is pretty easy to follow.
Thank you so very much for creating and maintaining this library!

I did encounter an issue when checking out the ManyDifferentWidgets example program, and I thought you might want to know about it.

The ManyDifferentWidgets.cpp example has this:
        [line 240]      sf::Text text{"SFML Canvas", *gui.getFont(), 24};

However, at this point, gui.getFont() returns a std::shared_ptr containing nullptr.

Here is a very brief breakdown of why it happens. I'm writing this out to save you time and also in case I have made a mistake in following your code:

    The function Gui::getFont() returns a std::shared_ptr<sf::Font> that points to Widget::m_inheritedFont (a tgui::Font object).
    (Gui::m_container is a GuiContainer, which is a Container, which is a Widget, so getFont() calls Widget::getInheritedFont().)

   The problem is, Widget::m_inheritedFont is initially default-constructed and therefore its shared_ptr<sf::Font> is nullptr.

   Widget::m_inheritedFont is not otherwise set unless Widget::setInheritedFont() is explicitly called, and this is only done via Gui::setFont() or Widget::rendererChanged() called for a "font" property.   Neither of these functions are called if a Gui object is used in the seemingly usual way as the master widget container/manager/controller.

Since gui.getFont() returns a shared_ptr containing nullptr, de-referencing it is undefined behavior. In case you are wondering...nothing bad happens in the example app because the sf::Text constructor takes sf::Font const& and just stores the address of the reference (that will be nullptr in this case). Later, sf::Text::draw() checks that the address of the font and only does something if the address is not nullptr.
So, the text "SFML Canvas" is never put on the canvas, but no exception or crash ever occurs.

In looking around your site, I noticed that the TGUI 0.6 intro tutorial mentioned that Gui::setGlobalFont() should be called.
It seems by version 0.7 this was changed, and in version 0.8 there is a separate tgui::getGlobalFont() that returns a tgui::Font.
[This function builds an sf:Font based on the DejaVuSans TTF from a static in-memory array if no font was set before it is called.]

So, it might be a good idea to change the example to this:
   [line 240]      sf::Text text{"SFML Canvas", *tgui::getGlobalFont().getFont(), 24};

However, if your intention is to always have some font available "by default" when Gui::getFont() is called (and I like that idea), may I suggest a very minor change to Gui::getFont() so it does this:
std::shared_ptr<sf::Font> Gui::getFont() const{
   if (m_container->getInheritedFont())
      return m_container->getInheritedFont();
   return getGlobalFont();

Here are three other obvious possible remedies, but I don't like them:

  • Initialize Widget::m_inheritedFont via getGlobalFont(), just like is done for Widget::m_fontCached.
    This is not so good because it circumvents having Widget::m_inheritedFont as nullptr used to indicate "no inherited font".

  • GuiContainer's constructor could call Widget::setInheritedFont().
    This seems problematic because that will trigger a call to Widget::rendererChanged().

  • GuiContainer's constructor could do `m_inheritedFont = getGlobalFont()`.
    This seems brittle; directly setting a parent class's protected member directly violates encapsulation.
Again, many thanks for the library!