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Topics - billarhos

Help requests / Grid issue
27 July 2017, 16:38:12
When i add some buttons to my grid widget, i use the center align (default).
However if i use removeAllWidgets before i add my buttons to grid the alignment is getting top-left.

I use the 0.7.4


int index = 0;
for (unsigned int row = 0; row < 2; ++row)
for (unsigned int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
pGrid->addWidget(pGridButtons[index++], row, col);

One solution is to use this code insted of "removeAllWidgets()"
auto& widgets = pGrid->getWidgets();
for (int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); i++)

When press ctrl+c, in all cases (empty edibox, edibox with text, editbox with text selected) i got exception error.
Happens in debug and release.
Are shortcuts supported by editbox?

Using Visual studio 2013
i decided to replace some list boxes with table widget and here is the issue i face.

to set "setFixedColumnWidth()" must first "setHeaderColumns()". Yes, i can work around but is this a real issue?

hi, i just download the latest version from git hub and i got in my code this linker error:

unresolved external symbol "public: static class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > tgui::EditBox::Validator::Int" (?Int@Validator@EditBox@tgui@@2V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@A)

if i choose the other way (well , i do not quite understand the two pair of brackets) it is working.

   pEditBoxServerPort->setInputValidator(tgui::EditBox::Validator::Int); -->linker error
   pEditBoxServerPort->setInputValidator("[0-9]*");->working as expected (only numbers)
General Discussion / tgui issues
07 January 2016, 12:00:55

here is some misbehaves and a future request.

-1-.Caret vanished on edit boxes with right alignment if has width value "1" or "2"

-2-.Caret is smaller on edit boxes with right alignment if has value 3 or more than the edit boxes with center or left alignment.

-3-. Conclusion of -1- and -2-.  Carret can be seen if has 3 width value or more and the visible width is (width - 2)

-4-. CaretWidth of edit boxes is missing from properties (reading value form txt)

-5-. Need the feature of alignment of text in labels.
      Example: if There is an explanation label over an edit box there is no way to align proper this label on conjuction with edit box.
      The problem grows if the text of the label is changing dynamically (ex. change language). This problem is solving by dynamically recalculate width and position of label.
      Can provide photos if necessary.   
Hi Texus and happy new year.
Just download latest tgui from github and run my project with the new built libraries. However, i got this error in DataIO::parse

"Error while parsing input. Expected '{' or ':', found 'T' instead."

This is happening whatever widget i tried to load.

I have change nothing the last three months. I build everything in the way i did.

the block "if (stream.peek() == '#')" is missing in this version of tgui
General Discussion / focus on disabled widgets
13 November 2015, 20:13:19

Should focus override  disabled widgets?
General Discussion / Numeric behavior of editbox
04 November 2015, 15:03:03
Setting numeric values with "1.000,00"  form, the output result is "1.00000". The edit box is in numeric state. Took a look at your code and see that you stop adding special
character after taking the first one.

Is it proper?
Help requests / simulate button event clicked
31 October 2015, 18:31:00
Hi, i am struggling to make a button get pressed from code. The reason i want this is because i have shorcuts to simulate button events.


if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::S)

Well, if i use "leftMouseReleased" function it works however the text color stays on a hover(whatever) state.
Is any cure for this?

General Discussion / label and background color
29 October 2015, 18:30:29
Hi (again)

well now i face something different. My label has a background color. 

pLabel->getRenderer()->setBackgroundColor(sf::Color(150, 150, 150, 255));

When the label has text to print the background color is visible. When the text is null the background color disappears! 


I am trying to set different color on edit boxes when they are focused but can not find such a color parameter. On the other hand a texture with name
"m_textureFocused" is present.

Also i have realize that editboxes (maybe and other widgets) are not possible to receive focus (via pEditBox->focus();).
To make an edit box receive focus, you have first to click on it. After that it is focus able. In order to work around this, i have added
this code in my initialize function.

for (sf::Uint32 i = 0; i < EditBoxes::Count; i++)
pEditBoxes[i]->leftMousePressed(pEditBoxes[i]->getPosition().x + 5, pEditBoxes[i]->getPosition().y + 5);

Maybe just the carret is the problem thai is not blinking.
I do not use container or childwindow.

missing something?

thank you
General Discussion / setSize of tgui::Tab
21 October 2015, 16:10:53
Well, i reach to a point that i would like to have a tab box aligned in my form center position. However this is not possible because setSize(const Layout& width, const Layout& height) function doing nothing at all.

All other widgets are positioning well on form resize.



General Discussion / opacity of a list box
14 October 2015, 19:46:35
hi again

changing list boxes  opacity does not applied to background image. Is it proper? Took a look at your source code of button-opacity vs listbox opacity and see that something
         "getRenderer()->m_backgroundTexture.setColor({255, 255, 255, static_cast<sf::Uint8>(m_opacity * 255)});"

is missing.

I am facing an issue here with tab (not critical because can easily go around this).

When i add a new tab like this "pTab->add("Tab1")" then connect function "(TabSelected") is triggering.

So i got a question. Is it proper?

General Discussion / assertion failed on debug
08 October 2015, 22:21:50
I got a strange debug assertion failed when i use this Tab

    BackgroundColor : rgba(180, 180, 180, 215);
    SelectedBackgroundColor : rgba(0, 110, 200, 130);
    TextColor : rgba(255, 255, 255, 215);
    SelectedTextColor : rgba(255, 255, 255, 245);
    BorderColor : rgba(240, 240, 240, 215);
    Borders : (1, 1, 1, 1);

The strange here is that when i run in release it is working just fine.
The assertion is in debug.

General Discussion / Label performance
25 September 2015, 11:01:14

I realize that if i use sf::Text instead of tgui::Label::Ptr, i gain more frame performance.
For example in release mode and 21 Texts painting out, i gain about 1000 frames. I use no frame limit.
In this example  i used DejaVuSans.ttf , regular style and 15 for font size.

both result appearance are the same.

General Discussion / tongle between themes
24 September 2015, 18:39:42
Many thanks for that great gui.

I have a situation when toggle between themes. The situation arise when u toggle between  a theme that have a png image and a theme that don't have any image.
The problem is that when u load again the theme that does not come along with an image, widgets have keep image source from the previous imaged theme.
For instance this is happening on "Button" widget.
I use theme->reload() function to do toggling.
