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Messages - onthestorm

Installation help / CMake Error
14 November 2018, 23:04:05
I'm use CLion on Windows, and i want to use tgui, but i have this cmake error :
The imported target "tgui" references the file "F:/dev/sfml/TGUI-0.8/bin/tgui-d.dll"
There is no error if I make bin directory and put .dll to it, but  then #include <QTGUI/TGUI.hpp> not working. Here is my CMakeLists file :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)


add_executable(newtest main.cpp)

set(SFML_DIR "F:/dev/sfml/SFML-2.5.1/lib/cmake/SFML")
set(TGUI_DIR "F:/dev/sfml/TGUI-0.8/lib/cmake/TGUI")

find_package(SFML REQUIRED COMPONENTS system window graphics network audio)
find_package(TGUI REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(newtest PRIVATE tgui sfml-graphics)

How can I solve this problem?